Ms. Shehla Saeed

Assistant Professor

Computer Science and IT


Shehla Saeed is a dedicated professional with a robust foundation in computer science.She pursued her MS in Computer Science and embarked on her career journey as a Lecturer at the CS and IT department of the University of Lahore (UOL) in 2012. With a passion for education and technology, she excelled in her role and eventually rose to the position of Assistant Professor at UOL in 2018.

Throughout her academic and professional journey, Shehla Saeed has displayed a keen interest in various aspects of computer science.

Her research pursuits primarily focus on Software Engineering, delving into the intricacies of creating efficient and robust software systems. Additionally, her fascination with Information Security has led her to explore the critical realm of safeguarding digital assets and ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of information in an increasingly connected world.

She possesses a strong passion for nurturing students with a solid foundation in moral values and ethics while also being dedicated to guiding them in their journey toward a successful professional life.


SrNo. Year Degree Board/University
1 2009 MS CS UMT


SrNo. From To Category Designation Organization
1 october 2005 september 2007 Academic Experience IT Teacher Punjab education sector
2 october 2012 08/18/2018 Academic Experience Lecturer University of Lahore defence road campus lahore
3 08/19/2018 Present Academic Experience Assistant Professor The University of Lahore, Lahore


SrNo. Title
1 Software Engineering Fresh Graduates Career Choices and Software Industry Demands: An Empirical Analysis
2 A review of Requirement Elicitation techniques in OSSD
3 Smart Review on Wormhole Mitigation
4 SRoWM: Smart Review on Wormhole Mitigation


SrNo. Year Level City Country Confence
1 2018 Participant lahore Pakistan ICACS
2 2019 Participant UOL Lahore Pakistan ICACS
3 2020 Participant UOL Lahore Pakistan ICACS


SrNo. Year Awarding Organization Description
1 2007 HEC Indigenous scholarship


Courses Taught

SrNo. Type Title University Semester
1 Core Infromation Security UOL W17, F17, W18,W19,F19,W20,F20,W21,F21
2 core IICT The University of Lahore, Lahore F18
3 Core Software Engineering UOL F19, W20
4 Elective Software Project Management UOL W21
5 core Computer Organization & Assembly Language UOL F21
6 core course professional practices UOL F15
7 core course Introduction to computing UOL F12 , S13 , F13, F14
8 core course Introduction to database UOL w13, W15
9 core course Computer networks UOL w13
10 elective Data and Network Security UOL W14 , S14 & F14
11 core course Database System UOL S15
12 core course Human Computer Interaction UOL F15, W18
13 Elective Software Testing and Implimentation UOL F21

Project Supervisor



Research Fundings

Extracurricular Activities

SrNo. Hobbies Interests

Languages and Skills

Active Collabrations

Consulting Experience